Iguazu falls (Brazil & Argentina)

Iguazu river is a branch of the Parana river which devided Brazil & Argentin.
Upper left part is Brazilian side, the airport names "Foz do Iguacu (IGU)".
Lower right part is Argentin side, the airport names "Puerto Iguazu (IGR)".
Iguazu river makes deep valley at this point.
You can click on the map to see the Argentin side of the trail.

Shortly before landing Foz do Iguacu airport, I could see the fall.

Brazilian side of the fall. It is hard to say the emotions.
You must go to there, and FEEL IT!!!!

Cat walk to the Devil's throat. You can see the broken cat walk.
(The cat walk reconstructed at November 2001, no boat can be used)

Garganta del Diablo (Devil's Throat).
I don't want fall into them!

Argentin side, there are many falls.
If you see this, Niagalla falls tobe a baby.

Argenin side. If you are brave, you can ride a boat into the throat!

When leaving Puerto Iguazu airport, I can see another sky view!

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