TRIO 59 line ( 9R-59D + TX-88D)


In 1966, TRIO (Kenwood corp. today) started selling this short wave radio kit.

Top view; It's almost forty years passed, several damage has seen so I replaced almost all the Caps.

This set requires external speaker separately.

Old Vari-Caps are driven by the strings.

The Mechanical filter (the square object labelled 05-05) makes this machine usable.

The close up of the OSC.

The 0A2 (VR-150MT) is also called "Stabilo" as a AVR for the OSC.
On the left; Marker Cristal of 3.500MHz.

In the dark, you see the glow discharge in perple.

You can see warm nostalgic lights on this set at night.


This transmitter were designed to use with 9R-59D.

There are no VFO in this set. External VFO or fixed Cristal required to the operation.

Modulation method was AM; Amplitude modulation, required power audio signal.

I replace almost all the Capacitors too.

Final unit was single S2001 used.

This set was assembled by someone long time ago.

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